New Product of Prezi — Prezi Next

Prezi Company has released a new product — Prezi Next. And we have prepared a brief overview of its capacities.


The first and most important distinguishing feature of Prezi Next is that it was created using HTML5, not Flash, like the current version of Prezi (i.e. Prezi Classic). Why is it important? Because Flash is gradually dying, it works slowly on laptops and does not work at all on smartphones.


Also Prezi Next, unlike Prezi Classic and especially PowerPoint and Keynote, is most focused on conversational presentations. In a nutshell, "interactive" presentations are when the audience decides what they want to see first, and the speaker immediately moves on to this content. In this case, the speaker can find it easier to conduct a presentation by blocks, being sure that he is telling about the thing that is most interesting to the audience.


The good news is that Prezi Next has 100 new templates. Using them, you can quickly make a presentation. The bad news is that you cannot make presentations with your own design, only by a template. Let's hope that the developers will soon add the opportunity to create presentations from scratch.


The next good news is online slide-by-slide statistics. Now you can see the number of views of each page of the presentation and on which page users spent most of their time.

Marketers will also like the ability to collect names and e-mail addresses of users.

Slight amenities

First, there appeared a fade-out effect, i.e. smooth disappearance of objects from the slide.

In addition, the possibility of scaling has been improved. Now you do not need to monitor the "leakage of content" as it is shown only when you approach it.

If you have questions about using Prezi Next and how to make a presentation using this tool, please message us and we will try to help you.


We recently updated the site, so visitors' comments from the past site were not preserved. We duplicated questions about Prezi Next, maybe you will find the answer to your question below. If not, write to us and we will be happy to help.

—  Is it possible to make a presentation for free in Prezi Next?

There is a trial for 14 days of free use

How can I download my presentation from prezi next for free to my computer?

For free, unfortunately, no way, this function is available only to users of the paid license. Perhaps you should find a friend with this version)

—  How can I move my presentation from Prezi Classic to Prezi Next?

Unfortunately, it is necessary to reassemble presentation from scratch, as these are two different platforms made in different programming languages.

—  How to insert slides from PowerPoint?

From PowerPoint, you can insert slides as pictures or create slides from scratch in Prezi Next.

—  Can you please tell me if I can download background music for presentation? I found only how to upload a track to one slide. Or was this feature removed?

As far as we can see, this opportunity was removed. Perhaps it will appear later.

—  How can I work in a presi-classic? At the entrance to the site, there is no drop-down menu between the Prezi Classic and the Prezi Next

When you go to your Prezi profile, a selection button should appear at the top left.
And then Prezi Classic will be available at
And Prezi Next -
But there is not much sense in working with the old version, because it works slower and less stable.

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