How prezi designers use zoom and rotate in Prezi Business Presentations

When we talk about software for presentation design, there are 2 main approaches: zoomable interface and slide-by-slide interface. And if we are talking about zoomable interface, Prezi is the tool that is leading in the niche. Slide-by-slide interface is presented by PowerPoint (PPT), Google Slides, Keynote.

PPT presentations are claimed as logical, familiar and easy-to-follow. While logical side is definitely a plus, sometimes you need more interactive and engaging presentation.

And here Zoomable user interface (ZUI) tools come to a game.

Prezi now has 100 million active users and plans to keep expanding. So, what provides popularity to this tool?

First and foremost – its zoom&rotate features.
We would like to share few examples, how these features served us well in Prezi presentations.

Vouchen presentation

When the product is related to a certain geographical area, it could be a great idea to show its usage on map. We created Prezi business presentation for an app, that was still being developed. The Prezi had been demonstrated to potential partners to attract them to cooperation.

Vouchen app is helping customers to discover best deals in venues near them. Thus for Prezi background we created map of an imaginary city, and during the story camera travelled through this city.

Tip: use maps, real or imaginary, as a background in Prezi if your product is tied to a specific location

Simbio analytics presentation

This Prezi presentation is showing program module, that helps Canadian insurance agents form large 20-page reports in one click. If the presentation had focused on technical aspects (VBA nuances or how many databases are included in beta version, how the module uses Excel and Word to develop report) that won't be quite attractive for insurance agents.

We came up with an idea to visualize time saving by drawing hourglass with a sand (or time) dropping. Prezi`s pan and zoom features allowed us to design this prezi about advanced technical stuff visualized in a simple, dynamic and engaging way.

Tip: before beginning the design, spend more time on brainstorming ideas for non-ordinary visuals. After creating a storyboard, transfer your graphic materials to prezi canvas, then show details and the “overall look” to create cinematic and engaging transitions.

If you need something dynamic and highly interactive for your speech, you should consider prezi designers for hire. We are ready to bring your next deck onto the next level.

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