Why you should order presentations from companies. And how to do it right.

Reading time: 8 minutes

We sometimes hear from clients that they initially tried to make a presentation on their own. It took them a lot of time, but the result still did not impress the way they wanted. Then they found a freelancer or turned to a presentation design company, but they had less time to implement their plans. And the effort was wasted.

In this article, we will share:

  • the advantages of ordering a presentation from a company;
  • our unusual projects with clients;
  • advice on how to set the technical assignment for the presentation designer to get the desired result.

Most often, people order presentations from companies for the following reasons:

1 Time.

On average, people spend about 20 hours creating a presentation. This time is reduced if you make presentations often or learn how to work in the program. But there are very few people who spend at least a couple of hours a week learning to work in PowerPoint.

If the deadlines are tight (for example, a meeting with an investor has appeared), and besides the presentation, a number of other tasks need to be closed, then it is worth delegating the presentation design. This way you will save time and get a better result, as good specialists work with presentations every day, they have years of accumulated experience and skills in working with programs.

2 Quality.

To make a great presentation, it's not enough to simply arrange the text on the slides and style them. Professional designers will help you avoid many mistakes when creating presentations because they have knowledge in typography, design and observation, which allows them to choose creative ideas for presentation.

3 Structure.

A good presentation design company considers a presentation not only in terms of graphics and slides but also content. Experts can help with contrasts in your presentation, clear storytelling logic, and so as not to complicate your presentation.

4 Extra help.

Another reason to order a presentation from a company is to help not only with creating a presentation but also with unusual tasks, where you can't do without a professional. Our clients often ask to prepare them for a public speaking event, make a template for further independent use, help at the location or arrange other materials in the presentation style.

Different situations happened with the Reprezent team, and clients offered unusual, interesting challenges. We would like to share with you a few cases when the client had interesting requests.

Case №1. Reale Yachts Presentation.

Make an interactive presentation to participate in a yacht show. All elements in the presentation had to be clickable and transfer the person to the corresponding slide.

We prepared the design of the PowerPoint presentation in the client's corporate style, added a clickable menu, created navigation through sections and slides, and animated slide transitions. The task turned out to be interesting and it was fun to work with yacht renders.

Here's an animated presentation we designed:

Case №2. International company KIVI.

Make an animated presentation for a live performance on stage with a 12 meter custom screen.

The international company KIVI contacted us to make an animated presentation for the speakers of the partner conference. The guests of the event were representatives of large wholesale and retail chains in Ukraine and KIVI partners, including Auchan, Rozetka, MOYO, COMFY, Epicenter, Raiffeisen Bank Aval and others.

The task was unusual: the presentation was intended to be shown at the Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center on a screen with a non-standard aspect ratio of 32: 9. There was a live performance, a 12-meter screen behind the speaker. Other requirements were the use of elements of the company's new branding and Morph animation, which would impress the audience.

You can see the result in the video:

How to order a presentation from a company correctly?

Presentation designers are, of course, wizards of sorts, but you can't expect them to read your mind if you just say, "I want something like this." It is necessary to write Technical Assignment correctly. Below we will tell you how to order a presentation correctly.

1 Goal of the presentation

Tell the designer who will be watching or receiving the presentation and what you want to convey to your audience. Give answers to these questions:

  • Who?
  • What for?
  • How?

Why is it important? The purpose of your presentation depends on the content you can use, the layout you choose, and even the amount of text on the slides. The purpose of the presentation will also give an idea of the structure of the presentation as it should lead to the desired purpose.

Read more about what to look for at the beginning of robots with a presentation in the article:

Working with presentation structure

2 Technical requirements

Just 1 moment — will you speak live in front of an audience, want to send a presentation to clients by mail or speak at Zoom — significantly changes the structure of the presentation and the format of information presentation.

For live performances:

Check the format of your slides. It depends on where the presentation will be broadcast. The organizers of the event definitely have this information. The most commonly used formats are 16:9 and 4:3.

16:9 is a widescreen format suitable for modern projectors and plasma displays, while 4:3 is more common in older versions of projectors.

When sending by email:

The file that you send by mail must first be saved. PowerPoint offers several formats to choose from: pptx, ppsx, pdf, video (mp4).

The PDF format is the most convenient format for sending your presentation by mail. It opens in a browser, the recipient does not need any special software. But there are downsides - it doesn't display animation.

If you want the recipient to see the animation, choose the PPSX format. It allows you to see the presentation in demo mode. The recipient does not need to have PowerPoint installed, just install the free PowerPoint Viewer. This format does not display the Morph transition.

3 Content.

If you have your speech ready, be sure to send it to the designer who will prepare the presentation for you.

Try to write texts in a way that is understandable for both the designer and the final audience. Tell the designer what the terms you are using mean.

Additional information about your product or company will also help. For a clearer visualization of your words, it is worth giving more context.

4 Design elements.

This point is important if your company has a brand book to follow or personal preferences in presentation design. You can find references on websites for designers like Dribbble or Behance.

This is optional unless you have any special wishes. You can trust the designer, who will carry out the project for you, and give the changes at the moment of approval of the draft slides.

5 Deadlines and edits.

Tell the designer honestly and immediately about the project deadline.

We also advise you to immediately discuss the format in which it will be convenient for you to discuss edits: call or text in the messenger. This will make the work easier in the future.

Record all the key points in writing so that no one gets lost or forgotten.

The optimal work format, which we have come to over the years of work:

  • Arrange to receive versions of the presentation by mail/messenger.
  • Leave comments with feedback directly in the presentation (PowerPoint has such a function) or write your comments in the message, and then call the designer and discuss incomprehensible points.

And finally, advice for you:

Find a designer or company whose level of work you like. Immediately think about what you want to get from the presentation and work out the portrait of the audience in detail. And with all the input, start working on your presentation.

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Дозвольте нам допомогти підкреслити переваги вашого продукту за 5 простих кроків. Ми створюємо презентації PowerPoint світового класу з 2014 року. За цей час ми працювали з 500+ клієнтами з 25 країн світу та провели 700+ презентацій.

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