13 slides to include in your pitch deck for investors

Pitch deck is an essential part of any startup or project that needs investments.

Anybody who is looking for an investor needs a pitch deck. With its help, you can discuss details during in-person meetings or speak at the startup conference.

Also, such a pitch deck will be perfect for demo days or pitch sessions, when several startups perform for 3-5 min in quick succession.

Below you can see a plan for your pitch deck. Answer all the questions to make content for your slides. The structure may change depending on your startup, so we described the general structure and you can decide what can be used.

In the end of the article you will find downloadable file with structure of the pitch deck.

Slide 1

+ project name;
+ describe the project in one sentence.

– Don`t add contacts, data or presentation version here.
This info is not needed on the title slide

Slide 2


+ describe the problem your project is solving and for whom.

Slide 3


+ describe how your project is solving the problem.

Slide 4


+ mention a market value in monetary terms and also point the source link at the bottom of the slide.
+ describe who is your target audience and who are your clients.

Slide 5

Product description

(if your product is hardware or software)

+ describe how does it work;
+ list of product features.

Slide 6

What you have at the moment

If you have a prototype product (MVP) you should show it or describe its main current features.

+ screenshots (if it's a software product, for example, web or mobile app);
+ the number of registered users;
+ how much your company earns now.

– If there is nothing you can show, you are a new business or you don't have a prototype product, just don`t make this slide.

Slide 7

Competitor analysis

+ who are the main competitors in your area;
+ list the main competitive advantages.

— If you don't know or can't find competitors, you should analyze the market more deeply. Everybody has direct and indirect competitors. Investors are very skeptical of those who think they don't have competitors at all.

Slide 8

Business model

+ describe the way you will make money.

Slide 9

Marketing strategy

+ describe your promotion strategy and how you will attract new clients.

Slide 10


+ show your teammates, tell about their responsibilities and experience.

– Indicate only relevant experience they have.

Slide 11


+ show your financial model. Charts with all calculations: earnings, expenses, point of return, etc., are preferable.

! This is one of the most important slides in the presentation, so spare more time for calculating the finances.

Slide 12


+ indicate the number of investments you need and what for.

Slide 13


+ indicate your contact details (name, last name, phone number, email, and website)

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Let us help you highlight your product to its best advantages.

Take this structure as a base for your pitch deck and describe your project using the slide description. After you have done it you will understand what you need to mention during the presentation in front of investors.

Content is one part of a good pitch deck. But if you want to be remembered you need to stand out with your design.

Get your money-making pitch deck by a team of professional presentation designers.

Let us help you highlight your product to its best advantages.

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